Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Music Marketing #2

This is a video explaining how we created Daniel soul and what went into making him

Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing #1

     The Music marketing project is a very interesting assignment. We had to create an artist that preforms a song from an assigned genre. Our genre was Pop. We came up with Daniel soul, a 23 year old from Dagestan Russia. He came to the United states when he was 5 years old. His music is a soul and beat style song that is in remembrance of his recent breakup.

    We first started to plan out the Music Video with a story board about a love story of Daniels Ex girlfriends and her new boyfriend. The Music video consist of many shots of Daniel singing while his Ex girlfriends is with someone else. We filmed at the park on the weekend and I am currently editing the Video. 

    Out research for the project came up from the Spotify and apple sources. We found out how smaller artists become popular and one of the biggest ways it to make covers for other artist popular songs. Out artist will also play at many bars and local restaurants. He will post relatable content on social media to connect with the younger audience. That's how we created our Music marketing project start.

Question 2 CCR script

 Question 2.  How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? This is my script to answer ...